Welcome to Threat Modeling Connect! 👋

  • 13 September 2022
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Userlevel 6



Welcome to Threat Modeling Connect! We’re a community of like-minded people interested in threat modeling. Our mission is to make threat modeling a standard practice in software development and beyond.

As a community, we come together to collaborate, share, and help each other grow through peer discussions, expert content, hands-on events, and free-to-use sources or/and resources. 


Why join Threat Modeling Connect?

Don’t threat model alone ;) More than 80%* of threat modeling practitioners reported that the main source of support they currently receive is internally within their organizations. It’s our goal to make threat modeling a less siloed activity by connecting practitioners like yourself to share, learn, and upskill together.


Who is Threat Modeling Connect for?

Whether you are in year one or year 21 of your journey, as long as you’re interested in threat modeling and eager to improve your practice, we believe Threat Modeling Connect will be a great place for you. 


What is in Threat Modeling Connect?

We offer discussion forum moderated by threat modeling experts, publish articles by industry leaders, host or attend hands-on events, and share resources contributed by other open source communities.


Who is hosting Threat Modeling Connect?

Threat Modeling Connect is a community hosted by IriusRisk, a Spain-based SaaS company specializing in threat modeling automation tools. However, Threat Modeling Connect returns to IriusRisk’s open-source roots and is committed to connecting and supporting all threat modeling practitioners, regardless of the tools or methodologies they choose.


I’m new :) where should I start?

Welcome! We’re happy that you are here. Get started by first checking out our Community Guidelines and FAQ and then introduce yourself! We’re excited to get to know you and give you a warm welcome 🤗


*According to a research done by the Threat Modeling Connect team in 2022 surveying and interviewing 55 users who are actively managing threat modeling programs for organizations across eight industries.

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