Tue, 2 Apr, 16:00 - 17:00

Threat Modeling Kata

About this event

This workshop is part of the official training for the Spring 2024 Hackathon participants. Don't worry if you can't make it to the hackathon this year - all Threat Modeling Connect members are welcome to join this session.

Starting threat modeling isn't just about applying STRIDE and calling it a day. Many hit a roadblock when faced with a blank page. In this workshop, we'll explore how the concept of kata, derived from martial arts, can be applied to the realm of threat modeling. Just as martial artists perfect a series of movements through repetitive practice, we'll create safe playgrounds for participants to engage in hands-on threat modeling exercises. By doing so, you'll not only gain invaluable experience but also enhance your ability to navigate complex cybersecurity challenges with confidence.


*Architecture Diagrams: what do you need to start threat modeling
*Approaches to threat modeling: Attack library-based (e.g. stride), security principles informed to look for vulnerabilities
*Katas as safe spaces to practice threat modeling.
*Exercises:Kata practice (threat model an LLM system)

Event details
Tue, 2 Apr, 16:00 - 17:00 (UTC)